菜蟲是什麼的蟲?狂男直接「當寵物養」 長大後超吃驚:沒想到這麼美~
Hey @Tesco I was about to cook my favourite vegetable of all time (broccoli) and after unwrapping it, to my surprise, found caterpillars inside! They’re really nice and we’ve ended up keeping one as a pet and naming him. but just as a heads up, some of your broc has c-pillars😳🐛 pic.twitter.com/3VLIQAEogG
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 11, 2020
In case anyone is interested, the name we’ve gone with is Cedric, he’s from Spain (at least we assume so because the broccoli is) and he dances after eating spinach and broc all day long 🐛🐛🐛 pic.twitter.com/tO1EyMgeG1
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 11, 2020
OH MY CHRIST. Just bought another broc and before I’ve even opened it I can see caterpillars 😭🐛 pic.twitter.com/xUBFmuiT5B
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 11, 2020
WELL! What do you know! My housemate just went to cook his broccoli and BAMMMMMMM, he’s got green mates too. Open to name suggestions for our 7th caterpillar child 😭🐛🐛🐛 pic.twitter.com/Gs02yjtPLr
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 12, 2020
The OG caterpillar Cedric has begun evolving... is Caterpie is about to become Metapod 😮 pic.twitter.com/sRRXnrR3qs
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 12, 2020
Also, a closer look at Cedric who is now 30 hours into his chrysalis stage - now fully renamed Metapod until he elvolves into butterfree 🦋 pic.twitter.com/Ryx4jVjgxf
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 13, 2020
Honestly Tesco, look how much Janine the caterpillar EATS!? I think you need to provide more 55p broccoli gift cards for her pic.twitter.com/sruvjcMtkO
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 15, 2020
Final update of the day... we’ve now got 3 cocoon / chrysalis, they grow up so fast 😭🐛 pic.twitter.com/AZIJMvOYnI
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 15, 2020
I then got him to pose for a picture with his brother Olly so we could see the diff between caterpillar and cocoon. 🌚🌝 pic.twitter.com/xEcQ9kRdhJ
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 22, 2020
Broc then became a chrysalis on Friday night... But then on SUNDAY MORNING I WAS GREETED BY CEDRIC!!!! he’s changed a bit 🦋🦋🦋 pic.twitter.com/KvqorlRFKh
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 22, 2020
Every little, quite literally, does help ! Thanks @Tesco 🐛🦋 pic.twitter.com/DOuHLJE2YA
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 22, 2020
It’s time for another of our caterpillar-now-butterfly kids to spread their wings. 🦋Broc was released live with Jeremy Vine on BBC Radio 2 earlier (honestly what is that sentence🤩) so just before my show on @KissFMUK right now I’ve just released his best mate Olly🦋 pic.twitter.com/r15YbRb4av
— Sam Darlaston (@samd_official) June 25, 2020