服役8年!偵查犬退休前「最後一嗅」 心愛大禮從天而降:退休快樂~
After more than 8 years of service @INDairport, @TSA explosive detection canine TTirado has officially retired. He was adopted by his handler Keith Gray and will spend retirement at home with his family. Check out this clip of his final bag search and reward! ❤️❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/efRwPFrmDi
— TSA Southeast (@TSA_Southeast) June 17, 2020
▼TTirado之前替美國印第安納波利斯國際機場的運輸安全管理局服務,退休後的牠被領犬員Keith Gray給領養,「TTirado」這個名字原來是為了紀念一位在911英勇捐軀的消防員Hector Luis Tirado, Jr.。
UPDATE: Keith Gray, TTirado’s handler, wanted to share his thanks for the overwhelming support over the last couple days and share some other big news. Check out their video (w/ special guest 🐶)! pic.twitter.com/KqJMQGIl8r
— TSA Southeast (@TSA_Southeast) June 18, 2020
Wow...this tweet really took off! @TSA doesn’t have a SoundCloud to promote, so I’ll just share some additional pictures of this very photogenic #GoodBoy throughout his career. pic.twitter.com/Qp0YLE2efr
— TSA Southeast (@TSA_Southeast) June 17, 2020