溫暖1750人!《阿甘正傳》丹中尉霸氣送暖 租下整台飛機接送到迪士尼
2019年12月12日知名美國演員蓋瑞辛尼茲(Gary Sinise)曾在《阿甘正傳》中飾演中尉丹·泰勒(Dan Taylor),他也曾榮獲金球獎及艾美獎。辛尼茲一直對慈善不遺餘力,而且還有自己的基金會「Gary Sinise Foundation」,去年帶千人到迪士尼的活動大獲成功後,今年他又再辦了一次!
▼「Gary Sinise Foundation」基金會找來1000名孩童和其家人,總受惠人數為1750人,浩浩蕩蕩搭上特別租來的飛機出發到迪士尼樂園!
Today begins our GSF Snowball Express #14. Over 1000 Gold Star Children travel with surviving parent or guardian, over 1,750 in all, via our travel partner @AmericanAir to Disney World as part of our @GarySiniseFound Snowball Express program. pic.twitter.com/lvDfMhXXcR
— Gary Sinise (@GarySinise) December 7, 2019
This charter left Los Angeles this morning with 91 kids, 176 in all, and I got to take these photos with them before they left. I’ll join up in a few days. Have fun kids! We love you! pic.twitter.com/jPRuZ0iuIp
— Gary Sinise (@GarySinise) December 7, 2019
Gary Sinise Foundation Snowball Express families were celebrated this morning at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL whose cast members put on quite a show with fireworks, snow, and more as families paraded down Main Street U.S.A. to the Magic Castle. #GSFSBE #SnowballExpress pic.twitter.com/wLwZM1I6UX
— GarySiniseFoundation (@GarySiniseFound) December 10, 2019