送信順便送零食! 郵差大叔收到主人回信:謝謝你但牠再也吃不完了
2019年04月09日推特網友 amorningsting的父親是一名普通的郵差,善良的父親常常為上班途中遇上的狗狗帶零食。 Gretchen是父親上班途中的狗狗之一,熱情的父親每天為牠準備零食,直到某天收到一份特別的回信。
▼某天父親像往常一樣帶著零食上班,在某家人的信箱旁發現一袋封好的狗糧和一張紙條:「 Gretchen昨晚離開了我們,牠拜託我問你可不可以將這袋牠再也吃不完的零食分給你沿路餵養的狗狗們。牠一直很享受你來到門前的時光,也很喜歡這些零食。謝謝你!Cimino一家。」
My dad is a mailman and he likes to give dogs on his route treats. Today he told us one of the dogs on his route passed away and his owners gave him this bag of treats with this note 😭 pic.twitter.com/JA46PU60a4
- eyelean (@amorningsting) 2019年4月1日
My wife and I were told about Gretchen’s letter to Fernando being on Twitter. I can’t begin to tell y’all how much it has meant to us seeing how much love and support y’all have shown our girl. She was the absolute best. This is a short video of her seeing her mailman. pic.twitter.com/uK9Y2BtKtO
- DeCuervo (@DeCuervo2) 2019年4月4日