

今年11月,「維多利亞的秘密時尚秀」將在上海舉辦,不久前,官方公布了這次大秀的天使模特兒名單,其中6名中國模特兒確定參加走秀。這些模特兒大多是熟面孔,20歲的法籍華裔女孩陳瑜(Estelle Chen)引起了人們的關注。










▼身高175公分的陳瑜從小就夢想成為模特兒,在這方面也很有天賦,還在世界菁英模特兒大賽上取得了亮眼的成績。後來她被Elite Paris簽下,發展越來越好,成為了很多品牌的模特兒,比如Chanel、Dior、Elie Saab、Fendi、Louis Vuitton等等。












▼陳瑜很想念書,希望在模特兒生活之外可以做一些不一樣的事。之前也有模特兒做過同樣的選擇,超模Karlie Kloss就卸下維密天使光環,去紐約大學學習程式設計。



Can't believe it's happening... I'm incredibly happy to announce that I AM WALKING THE VICTORIA'S SECRET 2017 SHOW 💥💓 ✨ I'm so thankful for everything that has happened in my life so far, every person I've met during these past four years, my family (mum, dad, williams, you're the best) ❤️ and my friends who are always by my side no matter what. So many ups and downs but that's what makes this journey so special... Thank you to my agencies and agents for believing in me and for all the hard work, and for bearing my annoying questions all the time ;) without you it wouldn't have been possible and above all thank you to the @victoriassecret team @johndavidpfeiffer @ed_razek @10magazine @monica.mitro ❤️ for giving me the opportunity I dreamed about since I was 13 😭 can't wait to see you guys again ✨ you inspire girls to be the best version of themselves and you make our dreams become reality🌷 Thank you to my followers, even if I don't respond to all your DMs, I want to say that you guys make me smile all the time and you keep me motivated throughout this incredible journey... 💌 Work hard for your goals and stay humble ❤️ may all your dreams come true just like mine became true today... ☁️

Estelle Chen 陈瑜(@chen_estelle)分享的貼文 於 張貼


