

愛美是女人的天性,但身為荷包扁扁的小資女孩,在愛美與省錢之間,總有許多掙扎。但美國部落客Sukhi Mann一石二鳥的解決了這樣的煩惱!

Sukhi Mann在instagram分享了使用牙線棒清除鼻頭粉刺的方法,只要五分鐘,不到一塊錢,就可以將粉刺清除乾淨!我們來看看該怎麼做吧!首先,將臉跟手用水清洗乾淨,準備進行神聖的拔除粉刺林的儀式!









▼第二步:拿起牙線棒,從鼻樑到鼻翼順著形狀加壓往下滑,並多重複幾次,不要遺漏任何角落啊!Sukhi Mann表示,相較於清粉刺的金屬棒,用牙線棒比較不傷肌膚喔!










▼第四步:使用爽膚水進行二次的清潔,Sukhi Mann在這裡使用的是含有藥用酒精的漱口水,玫瑰水、或自己平常使用的也都是可以的喔!不過如果你屬於敏感性肌膚,可千萬別使用漱口水喔!如果真的要使用,也得先小區域做肌膚測試,才不會弄巧成拙。







🔪DIY trick using disposable floss picks and mouthwash. This trick helps to extract whiteheads and blackheads. This hack definitely works❗️If you try it, tag me 🤗 ♥️ ___________ ◾️All you need is a hot towel, floss pick, and toner. ___________ 1️⃣Take a towel and place it in hot water. Take the towel out and make sure it isn’t too hot. Also, make sure that the area is clean and place the towel on the problem area so that the heat will open up the pores. Do this for about 5 mins or so. 2️⃣Take the disposable floss pick and drag it in a scraping motion. This option is cheaper and less likely to scar you than using a metal extractor. Be sure to not over do it. 3️⃣When finished, rinse the area with a mild cleanser. 4️⃣Follow up with a toner (you can use rose water, mouthwash, or your regular toner.) ❗️If you have really sensitive skin don't use mouthwash or do a patch test first. 5️⃣Be sure to moisturize your nose after applying the toner. ----------- Tag your bestie ♥️ 👻SNAPCHAT: A_LLURE7 _____________ @hudabeauty @monakattan @alyakattan #hudabeauty #hairmakeupdiary #facemask #skincare #makeuptutorial #fashionarttut #laurag_143 #sukhimann_ #instadaily #instalike #instamood #instafashion #chico #fashion #instamakeup #indianvlogger #indianblogger #desibeautyblog #nyxcosmetics #colorcorrection @glitterglamhouse @makyaj.bakim.onerileri @uae_trendmood @loola.blog #hudabeauty #allmordernmakeup #melformakeup #hypnaughtymakeup #inssta_makeup #makeupfanatic1 #brian_champagne #makeuptutorial #shimycatsmua #fakeupfix #associationofbeauty #hairmakeupdiary @liveglam.co @laurag_143 #liveglam #laurag_143 @bretmansvanity @brian_champagne #brian_champagne @farsalicare

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